
Vulnerability Is the Key to Community

To be vulnerable means that you are putting yourself in a position of defenselessness and putting yourself in a position to be hurt. You are opening yourself up to being hurt by being honest and transparent about your failings, your flaws, and your fears.

Bear Hugs

Until their participation in the ministry, the children had never thought about how such a small thing like a stuffed animal could help a child in distress.

Quality Resources to Teach the Bible to Children

May we, as parents and grandparents, have a passion for the things of God and for teaching our children what will truly matter for eternity!

You’ve Got Mail

Pennsylvania church brings youth and seniors together.

6 Tips to Plan a Memorable Summer With Your Kids

Summer is here and yet, many of us feel like we have already had summer because our kids have been home from school or...

9 Common Issues in Children’s Ministries

Be on the lookout for these things to keep you kids' ministry healthy.

Awana Aims to Help Churches Disciple Latino Children

With the new U.S. Latino Child Discipleship Network, Awana is poised to help churches reach and disciple children.

Transform Your Kids Ministry Area

Outreach is holding a church makeover contest. The grand-prize winner receives an update for three children’s ministry rooms.

13 Ways to Strengthen Your Children’s Ministry

Prioritize your children's ministry and it will strengthen your church's present and future.

5 Steps to Launching a Bible Study for Kids

"Here's what we've learned about creating a successful Bible study for kids before or after school"

Try This: Start a DivorceCare for Kids Program

Give kids the emotional support they need to cope with their parents' divorce.