
9 Obstacles to Family and Friends Believing the Gospel

Why do people struggle to believe the good news?

Are You Experiencing Unbearable Pain?

Your deep sorrow will not last forever, but at the same time, please understand that it might not be completely forgotten.

Is Your Church’s Internal Culture Lagging Behind?

The bigger the organization, the slower the speed.

How Did Jesus Act Toward Sinners?

In a very real sense, Jesus shows overwhelming, astonishing mercy and undeserved grace to sinners, and yet Jesus sends the self-righteous scurrying off like dogs with tails caught between their legs.

Multisite Campus Handbook and Best Practices

The one church-multiple locations concept has seen many expressions throughout church history as church leaders adapted to changing cultural realities and leveraged technological advances.

Take Your Faith to Work

How to encourage a missional mindset for everyone, everywhere, all the time.

What’s Preventing Your Personal Growth?

One of the true perils of leading church ministry is being so invested in the growth of others that your personal growth goes unattended to.

Jimmy Dodd: Find a Friend

The simple truth is that every leader needs a friend. They need someone who will come alongside and encourage them, whether they are at the top of their game or even when they have committed a major misstep.

7 Problems When Church Leaders Isolate Themselves

Though it sometimes masquerades as self-care, extended isolation has some dangerous side effects.

Is Every Christian a Theologian?

We MUST be theologians. And I turn to the Apostle Paul to tell us why, specifically in the book of Ephesians.

When the Mental Load is Affecting Your Leadership

Toward the end of the day or a week when a leader has had to make too many decisions, he may find himself losing his cool more easily, flying off the handle, or saying thing things he shouldn’t.