What’s Next? After-Easter Ideas

Now that the biggest event of the year in the church world is behind us, what’s next? Before moving on to the next big event (the next Sunday service for that matter), consider the following:


How was Easter at your church? Attendance was probably high. A lot of people probably got saved. Capture the stories and celebrate! Share the wins with staff and volunteers. Celebrate it with your congregation next Sunday. Champion the volunteers and staff who went above and beyond to serve the large crowds. Brag on the people working behind the scenes on social media. Write thank you cards.


One thing is for sure: Easter will happen again next year. While the experience is fresh, start planning now by asking key questions. What went well? What should we keep doing? What went wrong? What should we stop doing? Capture key numbers like attendance, first-time guests, salvations, etc. Then tee yourself for next year by setting up a reminder to look at this information when you plan for next Easter.


There’s an expression, “The project is not done until the tools have been put away.” Have the props from the Easter special been put away? Have the leftover invite cards been thrown out? Has all the Easter promo stuff been removed from the website? Being intentional about this step creates a culture of thoroughness and excellence. Sloppiness erodes your credibility and compromises the power of a successful event.


Easter was a lot of work! Before diving into your next big thing (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, summer events, fall, Christmas, etc.) make sure to rest, dote on your family and soak in God’s word and presence for a fresh revelation.

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