Mark DeYmaz

Mark DeYmaz is an Outreach magazine contributing editor, the directional leader of Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas, president of the Mosaix Global Network and convener of the triennial National Multiethnic Church Conference.

3 Issues That Stunt Our Multiethnic Growth

Demonstrating the gospel through unity is more important than ever.

Building a Multicultural Church in Salt Lake City

Spreading the gospel takes precedence over preserving a particular culture.

Healthy Cross-Cultural Ministry Relationships

We Must Value Relationships Over Tools

Toward Racial Unity

OneRace is tackling racism across the United States.

7 Guiding Principles for Advancing Peace

Help a divided world meet in the middle

Engaging Everyone to Love Our City

Crossover Church recruits service project volunteers from every demographic.

Demonstrating Redemptive Kingdom Diversity

A conversation with Jarvis J. Williams

From Monolithic to Multiethnic

How understanding the mystery of the gospel transformed a church.