
Are You Experiencing Unbearable Pain?

Your deep sorrow will not last forever, but at the same time, please understand that it might not be completely forgotten.

Following a Dangerous (But Good) God

Jesus never promised us safety if we follow him, but his will is good.

God Sees the Big Picture

Our God sees the big picture and is intimately involved in the situation.

Making Disciples—Inside Your Church Walls, Too

No matter how long you’ve been a believer, find an older Christ-follower to invest in you. It may not be easy to find someone, but don’t give up easily.

A Return to Making Disciples

It’s time for all of us who love and follow Jesus to get back to what he saved and called us to be: disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus.

Christ and His Kingdom, Not Politics, Should Be the Central Fixture of Our Focus

This year, we can choose where to fix our eyes. Instead of locking them on the short-term things we can see, we are called to turn our gaze, by faith, to what is eternal.

How Did Jesus Act Toward Sinners?

In a very real sense, Jesus shows overwhelming, astonishing mercy and undeserved grace to sinners, and yet Jesus sends the self-righteous scurrying off like dogs with tails caught between their legs.

Take Your Faith to Work

How to encourage a missional mindset for everyone, everywhere, all the time.

Jimmy Dodd: Find a Friend

The simple truth is that every leader needs a friend. They need someone who will come alongside and encourage them, whether they are at the top of their game or even when they have committed a major misstep.

Is Every Christian a Theologian?

We MUST be theologians. And I turn to the Apostle Paul to tell us why, specifically in the book of Ephesians.

What Does Shame Have to Do With Being Lukewarm?

Work around us, Lord, we seem to say. Not in us and through us. Self-defense mechanisms are all working overtime. If we would be or do anything for the Master, we must face and overcome this gremlin.